Blair’s out, Brown’s in and I’m off (form that is).

Wednesday 27/06/07  Story:   Blair’s out, Brown’s in and I am off (form that is). 0600 into Downing Street. Already the street is bustling with camera crews, photographers and reporters doing lives for the various morning news programmes. The scafolding is not full yet but all space on it has been marked out and claimed by…

“Steak-out” in Vienna

Monday 18/06/07 – Tuesday 19/06/07  Story:   A “steak-out” in Vienna  Monday  Yet again my correspondent and I travelled to Vienna. Yet again we were there for the IAEA and of our two usual subjects it was once again the DPRK. Now that the Macau millions money issue was supposedly resolved a delegation from the safeguards…

MI5 ‘on the buses’

Thursday 07/06/07  Story: MI5 ‘on the buses’   My reporter thought it was interesting that MI5, with its reputation of secrecy and vagueness was advertising for a large range of roles openly on the transport networks in London. SIS (MI6) had also recently carried an ad in the Evening Standard newspaper.

Exclusive press and publicity limited

Wednesday 06/06/07  Story:            Exclusive press & publicity limited Somewhere in the Garden of England (Kent) is the office of this public relations company that the Hawker family are using as a buffer between themselves and the media. It must at least give them some room to grieve and act as a first point of contact…

“Excuse me can we have your bench?”

Saturday 02/06/07  Story:   “Excuse me can we have your bench?” (Yet another interview with Maeda-san in Paris.)  Same trains out and back, as last time, for this day trip to Paris, only this time one of the producers came along, very useful for carrying bits of kit and holding the reflector I’d thought to bring…