A pre-launch peek at Honda’s earth car

Sunday 25/02/2007  Story:   A pre-launch peek at Honda’s new F1 car. The actual official unveiling of this car is at 0830, tomorrow morning but those in the Japanese news press interested to film some thing of it for them selves were given a chance today. All broadcasts were embargoed until 0900 GMT the next morning,…

1,600 may be coming out but one’s going in…

Thursday 22/02/2007  Story: 1,600 may be coming out but one’s going in… This was inevitable I guess. The announcement of troops coming out of Iraq yesterday was followed up today with the confirmation that Prince Harry’s unit, him included of course would be deploying to Iraq, probably in the Spring. All we could do was…

Blair at War, troop withdrawals announced.

Wednesday 21/02/2007  Story:   Blair at War, troop withdrawals announced. My producer had been woken at 0740 this morning by our correspondent calling her mobile. He said that he wanted to do a report about the expected announcement by Blair on UK troop withdrawals from Southern Iraq. What, when or where was not mentioned and in…

Valentine’s, chocolate ads, bans and overweight kids

Friday 09/02/07  Story:            Valentine’s, chocolate ads, bans and overweight kids “Hey it’s Friday afternoon, it’s been a really busy week, let’s rush to do a last minute story about Master Foods announcement last Monday to stop targeting ads to the under 12s, oh, and let’s tie it in to next week’s Valentine’s Day, and lets arrange the…

A meeting with the Prince of Sealand

Thursday 08/02/07  Story:   A meeting with the Prince of Sealand.   Snow had been forecast and snow was everywhere. As usual for London the falling snow soon turned into rain and the fallen snow into slush. This is the worst kind of snow. We’d been due to leave the office at 0800 but none of…

Science of spying & letter bombs

Wednesday 07/02/07  Story:   The Science of spying             Letter bombs – traffic related? I was really tired today and for the first time in a long time had no enthusiasm for the morning’s Science Museum filming. I just knew before we started that it would not be used for any immediate broadcast or even as…

Making Whisky, the Macallan way

Monday 05/02/07 – Tuesday 06/02/07  Story:   Making Whisky, the Macallan way.  Monday  In the office by 0400, packed and ready to go by 0500, at Heathrow by 0600 and then everything slowed down. I hadn’t been to the airport or flown recently and so was really surprised at the long, long queues to get to…